At the Race Media, we are many things.
- We are content creators.
- We are journalists.
- We are podcasters.
- We are YouTubers.
- We are social media specialists.
Last week alone, we added more than 45,000 followers across our social channels for The Race and WTF1 to now have more than 3 million followers across our network.
Some brands around us label themselves as influencers – it looks good on a presentation, right? Let’s see how they compare on the old-fashioned way of measuring impact … reach and engagement.
YouTube total reactions, comments, shares – past six months

So The Race Media brands are ahead of some big old media names but also some brands and individuals who project huge audiences in their sales pitches.
Size isn’t everything and Influencers talk about communities they have and how close they are to their audiences.
So we influence then. But we do not count ourselves as a member of the much-derided “influencer” class. We are a strong company with respected, recognisable, and credible brands and grown-ups behind the scenes making sure the talent does do ‘influencer’ things.
Want to influence this size of audience? Come and chat. We might just influence you to work with us.
The Race Media Ltd CEO